Blushing Bride


It is encouraged to place your bridal bouquet order a week early so that we have time to order and condition the flowers to perfection for your bridal bouquet!


Get ready to say "I do" with the most stunning bridal bouquet you've ever seen! Picture blushing bride soft pink and white roses paired with delicate pink astilbe - it's a match made in florist heaven. This round, classic and elegant bouquet is the perfect addition to any bride's big day. Get ready to wow your guests and feel like the belle of the ball with this dreamy creation!

Size: 25cm to 30cm across, round shaped bouquet. 

All our bridal bouquets come with a vase, a groom's boutonniere, and a small packet of flower food. 

Delivery timing for our bridal bouquets:

Monday to Saturday





Flowers are dependent on availability and seasonality. If a certain flower is not available, we will find the next most suitable replacement. We won't be able to inform beforehand what will be replaced as well, as it depends on availability when we shop at our suppliers. Do also understand that flowers may differ slightly in terms of shade as well. As much as we try to produce the same bouquet as seen in photo as much as possible, there will be times when some of the flowers will be changed or differ in colour slightly. 

We also encourage self-collection rather than delivery for bridal bouquets for better handling of flowers. Delivery is charged at an additional $15 for our bridal bouquets.