Let someone special know how much they’re loved with our beautiful Delicate bouquet! This delicate arrangement of pale pink hydrangea, pastel blue delphiniums, and colorful roses is sure to show your appreciation in an unforgettable way. Our unique selection of blooms makes this bouquet one-of-a-kind, perfect for delivering joy and smiles to that special someone on a special day! Its gorgeous combination of colors adds the perfect touch of lighthearted fun to any room. Our Delicate bouquet is perfect for adults who want to express their love no matter the occasion. Grab a Delicate bouquet today - it’s sure to please everyone in its presence!
- SAME DAY DELIVERY except on Sunday (Please allow at least 5 hours for delivery upon your purchase)
- DELIVERY SCHEDULE: 10am to 4pm/2pm to 6pm/5pm to 8pm mon to sat
Flowers are subject to availability and seasonality. Where the flower type is unavailable, a similar flower type of the same or higher value will be replaced without prior advisement. Wrapper type and wrapping style may also differ from picture.
All prices are in SGD
No exchange or refund.
For orders opting for Arrangement style - flowers will be arranged in clear glass vase for additional $20
Size: 30 to 35 cm across flowers.