Roses Only (Fresh)


We have run out of stock for this item.

Keep it classic with our Fuss-Free Rose Bouquet, the perfect expression of love and elegance. Featuring only the finest roses, this simple yet stunning arrangement speaks volumes. Nothing represents Valentine’s Day better than the timeless beauty of roses. Choose from our available colors—soft and sophisticated cappuccino roses (as shown in photo) or bold and passionate red roses. Effortlessly beautiful and undeniably romantic, this bouquet is the ultimate gesture of love. 🌹✨

Add $20 for an arrangement in vase. 


  • SAME DAY DELIVERY except on  Sunday (Please allow at least 5 hours for delivery upon your purchase)

DELIVERY SCHEDULE: 10am to 6pm only on 13th and 14th Feb 2025.


    Flowers are subject to availability and seasonality. Where the flower type is unavailable, a similar flower type of the same or higher value will be replaced without prior advisement. Wrapper type and wrapping style may also differ from picture.

    All prices are in SGD

    No exchange or refund.

    Size Guide: 

     18 roses.