Blue Roses
Looking for a unique and meaningful gift? Look no further than our fresh blue roses paired with delicate pale purple matthiola flowers! Not only are these blooms visually stunning, but they also have deep symbolic meanings. Blue roses represent mystery and the impossible, while matthiola flowers symbolize enduring love and dear friendships. Give the gift of intrigue and emotion with this beautiful bouquet.
- SAME DAY DELIVERY (Please allow at least 5 hours for delivery upon your purchase)
- delivery schedule: 10am-4pm/2pm-6pm/5pm-8pm mon to sat
Flowers are subject to availability and seasonality. Where the flower type is unavailable, a similar flower type of the same or higher value will be replaced without prior advisement. Wrapper type and wrapping style may also differ from picture.
All prices are in SGD
No exchange or refund.
For orders opting for Arrangement style - flowers will be arranged in clear glass vase for additional $20
Regular - approx 20-25cm across flowers
Medium - approx 30cm across flowers
Large - approx 40 cm across flowers
The featured bouquet is a regular size bouquet.